Can Spinal Decompression Relieve Your Symptoms?

If you have had your life interrupted by shooting pains down your leg, numbness or tingling in your foot, trouble walking or even worse symptoms, your misery may stem from an impinged sciatic Oviedo sciatica patients may benefit from spinal decompression therapynerve. This common condition can drag on for weeks or months at a time -- and if you do not resolve the underlying cause, it may keep recurring. Fortunately, the spinal decompression techniques we use here at Oviedo Family Chiropractic can bring lasting relief.

To understand this treatment, we first need to look at what the sciatic nerve is and what can go wrong with it. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that originates at the base of the spinal column. It serves as the main conduit for sensations and muscle commands throughout the leg, branching into increasingly smaller nerves as it extends all the way down into the foot. A bulging disc, vertebral misalignment or other spinal abnormality can press against the sciatic nerve, limiting its ability to send nerve signals correctly. As a result, you may experience lower back pain, weakness or pins and needles feelings anywhere from your buttock downward. Extreme cases may even lead to incontinence.

Oviedo Sciatica and Spinal Decompression

Consult our chiropractor, Dr. Janowitz, if you seek Oviedo sciatica care. Chiropractic treatment can help correct the problem at its source by straightening misalignments and nudging bulging discs back into place. Spinal decompression therapy in particular works quite well for many of our patients. Our state-of-the-art DTS Triton system applies gentle, finely controlled mechanical traction to your spine as you relax on a special table. Over a series of sessions, this traction creates a vacuum effect that draws errant discs back into their proper place while relieving compression strain on degenerated joints or vertebrae. It also boosts the flow of healing nutrients to the affected area. Once freed from its constriction, the sciatic nerve can operate normally again -- and so can your life.

Have you suffered from sciatica? How did you get relief?

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