What to Expect After a Chiropractic Adjustment | Chiropractor in Oviedo, FL
Hi, I’m Dr. Eric Janowitz from Synergy of Oviedo Chiropractic. Today, I’m going to discuss what you can expect after your first chiropractic adjustment. Whether it’s your first time, your first in a long time, or you’re contemplating getting adjusted, it’s essential to understand the typical responses which are all perfectly normal.
Immediate Relief
The first response is feeling an immediate sense of relief. You might find yourself walking lighter, feeling less pressure, and experiencing reduced pain. This is a great outcome and indicates that your body responds quickly to adjustments, making you a “fast healer.”
No Immediate Change
The second possible response is not feeling much different right away. The duration of the problem or the inflammation from a recent injury can affect this. Remember, just because you don’t feel different doesn’t mean healing isn’t happening. Healing begins right after the adjustment, even if you can’t feel it immediately.
Soreness After Adjustment
The third response, which occurs in about 10% of people, involves experiencing some soreness. This is similar to the feeling you get after a workout when you haven’t exercised in a while. Your muscles and ligaments are adjusting to being used in new ways. If this happens, we recommend using ice for 20 minutes on, followed by an hour off, and repeat as needed. Communicate any discomfort to your doctor, who may adjust their technique to ease your transition.
These insights should help you set your expectations for what comes after a chiropractic adjustment. If you’re one of our patients, we look forward to serving you. If you’re visiting another chiropractor, I’m sure they are just as eager to assist you. If you found this video helpful, please like, subscribe, and share to help spread the word about the benefits of chiropractic care.