Could your health problems be linked to a food allergy or sensitivity? Everything from food additives and colorings to chemicals and molds in your home can affect your health. Long-term…
How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work? trigger point therapy for back painAre trigger points frustrating you with local and referred muscle pain, chronic stiffness and reduced mobility? By relieving the…
Pediatrics and Chiropractic Care: A Natural Combination Many people associate what we do with auto accident victims, athletes coping with sports injuries or older folks who need pain relief for…
National Health Organizations sponsored by Soda Companies? Yes, it’s true. The very health organizations that campaign against consumption of too much soda products due to the rise in obesity are…
We are glad to have you visit our Oviedo Family Chiropractic blog again! When our chiropractor, Dr. Eric, and his wife, Registered Nurse Dawn Janowitz, decided to start this blog,…
July Wellness Specials Help You Celebrate Freedom from Pain This July, say goodbye to chronic pain and hello to good health with the great treatment specials available at our Oviedo…
Oviedo Chiropractor Offers Specials on Kinesiology Taping and Orthotic Fitting For the month of February, Oviedo chiropractor, Dr. Eric Janowitz, will be providing free foot, ankle and knee evaluations, along…
Whiplash facts Whiplash is a severe strain of the neck. It affects the vertebrae, nerves, muscles and ligaments and can lead to permanent injury without prompt treatment. With prompt treatment,…
Scoliosis: What It Is And How It Affects the Spine Our chiropractor and staff here at Oviedo Family Chiropractic often help patients who are suffering from scoliosis to resolve problems…