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Cold Laser Therapy In Oviedo, FL

Cold Lasers have been used worldwide for over 40 years to relieve pain, remove scars, heal wounds, regenerate nerves and solve addictions.

On January 17th, 2002, the first U.S. Cold Laser Therapy FDA study was performed to “clear” cold lasers for use in the United States. The study took 100 patients complaining of Neck and Shoulder pain. Half were treated with a useless red light similar to that on a computer mouse or grocery checkout – this was the placebo group. The other half were treated with cold lasers. The treated group beat the placebo group by 66%! That’s 66% faster and more complete relief, a remarkable margin. Such a study is known as “double blind” research and it is the gold standard for measuring the validity of a therapy. Similar studies have been passed by the FDA for carpal tunnel, wounds and scar tissue.

How Our Cold Laser Therapy Plan Works

1. Feel & Move Better

Once you start Chiropractic care, you begin a journey to stabilize your problems, stop the damage, and start the healing. Another great side effect of the initial intensive care is that you begin to feel better, sleep better, and move better.

2. Fix Your Problem

The second stage is the Corrective Phase, where we fix your problem by re-training your spine and body to get you healthier and stronger so that you can enjoy doing the things you want to and have to without experiencing a relapse every time you try to use your body.

3. Get Your Mojo Back

The third stage is the Protective Stage, also known as wellness or maintenance care. This stage helps you protect and maintain your new levels of strength, health, and function, preventing you from slipping backward as you enjoy, engage in your best life, and get your mojo back!

How Does It Work?

Cold Laser Therapy (CLT) causes muscle, skin and nerve tissues to heal up to 66% faster according to the above FDA study. Specifically, CLT works at the cellular level. Human cells produce a chemical known as ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) to run the body and heal tissue. All of our body’s activities result from the use of ATP – It’s like gasoline to a car. CLT stimulates a micro-structure within the cells called the mitochondria to produce higher amounts of ATP. With more ATP at the cellular level, tissues heal faster, and therefore relief comes much quicker. Our laser therapy is specifically calibrated to wavelengths that human cells optimally respond to in order to maximize treatments in the shortest period of time.

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Conditions and Symptoms

As is true of many alternative therapies, you may receive multiple benefits when being treated – in addition to what you wanted fixed in the first place. This is because the ATP being produced is “systemic”, meaning although we’re focusing the laser on a particular area, the ATP is ultimately being sent throughout your entire body. The list of symptoms responding to LLLT is growing and more research is being performed on a daily basis.

Neck & Back Pain
Nerve & Disc Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Scars & Scar Tissue
Sinus, Allergies & Asthma
Acute & Chronic Pain
Headaches & Migraines
Sports Injuries
Neurological Re-Balancing

Application Strategies

Just like the purpose of an adjustment is to help reestablish connection from the spine to the organs and muscles, Cold Laser therapy is tool to further help “turn on” this vital connection. The TerraQuant Laser is set at very specific wavelengths, frequency, and power that our human cells ideally respond to. It is like a safe natural prescription that increases the energy production and efficiency of the cells. Many of our laser therapy sessions involve stimulating both the cells of the affected injured or painful area and the corresponding “nerve root” or area where the nerve exits the spinal cord. By stimulating both areas at the same time, we are enhancing the nervous system’s communication “super highway.” Other major applications involve using specific reflex points that have been discovered through much clinical practice that have a positive impact on the affected area of your body. Life is energy. If we can get the energy flowing throughout your body in an efficient, unobstructed manner than we have the best ability to have optimal health and human performance.

Check Out Our Location Near You

1791 E Broadway St, Oviedo, FL 32765

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What is a Cold (low-level) laser?

Unlike high power lasers that use heat and destroy tissue, low energy lasers affect the cellular energy of the underlying tissue. Hot lasers have a thermal effect and have an output of 1W or above. Cold (or) Low Level Lasers do not have a thermal effect on tissue. Cold lasers stimulate biological function and have an output below 10mw- milliwatts (ten- one thousands of a watt).

How do I know if Laser Therapy is for me?

Throughout the course of your care, the doctors may determine if Cold Laser Therapy will enhance your Corrective Chiropractic Program. If they feel you are a candidate, they may offer you a trial session, evaluate your response, and determine an appropriate treatment plan. This therapy will be incorporated into your regular adjustment schedule.

Are there any side effects? Does it hurt?

There are over 2000 published studies and not one of them mentions any negative side effects of semi-conductor diode lasers at the 5mW range. Cold Lasers are safe, non-toxic and non-invasive. There are some necessary common sense precautions that need to be considered, such as avoiding pointing the laser beam directly into the eye and maintaining it there, which could prove to be damaging to the eye. Because cold lasers are non-heat producing, there is no pain or abnormal sensation produced with the therapy!

What makes one laser different from another?

A laser can differ in its wavelength, power source or whether it is a continuous or pulsed waveform. The first lasers were used to cut, cauterize or ablate tissue and were classified as “hot’ lasers.” Cold, “Low Energy” or “Low Level” lasers are used to enhance metabolic activity at the cellular level through non-thermal reactions. Light is measured in wavelengths and is expressed in units of nanometers (nm). Different wavelengths have different energy levels and can have various effects on tissue. The TerraQuant laser (the one we are treating you with) is the only handheld portable device with exclusive Multi Radiance Technology™. Multi Radiance Technology™ utilizes 4 proven radiances to give your body the ultimate environment for relieving pain: a super pulsed laser, infrared light, red light, and a static magnetic field. The TerraQuant laser also allows flexibility of several settings of varying pulsed frequencies in order to optimally stimulate the cell’s response and the ability to treat multiple sites at the same time!

How long are the treatments?

Treatments can vary in time from seconds to minutes depending on the condition. Research studies show that there may be a dose dependent response, so it may be more effective to treat at lower doses at multiple intervals then to treat a single time with a high dose.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

A series of treatments are often necessary to begin the healing process, although in some cases, relief can begin immediately. Maximum treatment would be 1x per day per area, minimum would be 1x per week to still see results. Multiple areas of complaint may be treated. This treatment cycle may need to be repeated, and eventually spread out.

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