National Health Organizations sponsored by Soda Companies?
Yes, it’s true. The very health organizations that campaign against consumption of too much soda products due to the rise in obesity are sponsored by SODA COMPANIES! From 2011 to 2015, the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo were discovered to sponsor 96 national health organizations. Many of these organizations are medical and health related, and their main mission is to fight the obesity epidemic. This includes fighting against the consumption of soda and improve overall nutrition. By accepting funding from these companies, are the national health organizations inadvertently participating in their marketing plans?
The United States currently has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. It even overtook smoking as the largest preventable cause of the loss of quality-adjusted life years. Consumption of sugary beverages such as soda is a very large contributing factor to this statistic. In 2009, the average American consumed 46 gallons of soda, and about half of Americans surveyed said they drink soda on a daily basis. So naturally, our national health organizations try to find ways to reduce soda consumption and promote healthier alternatives. Or they should. Many organizations have actually retreated from this responsibility by not supporting public policies that would reduce soda consumption and opposing soda legislation. Some have even partnered with the soda companies to create educational materials.
The fact that the public’s health has become less important than corporate goals is alarming enough, but the problem gets worse. When national health organizations are being funded by soda companies, they feel pressured to grant them conference spots. This allows the companies to speak at influential health conferences and develop positive associations with their brand. This is why soda companies choose to fund national health organizations. They wish to build brand awareness and create a positive image of their company. If they have influence over social attitudes about the health impacts of their products, they can control perceptions and possibly gain even more customers.
The companies who accepted sponsorship from either Coca-Cola or PepsiCo were documented, and the results are quite shocking. Among these companies were Feeding America, American Diabetes Association, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, American Medical Association, College of Sports and Medicine, National Dental Association, Center for Food Integrity, Boys & Girls Club of America, and many more. Between 2011 and 2015, there were 29 bills proposed. In 28 of the 29 bills the positions of the soda companies were antagonistic to public health. The only case in which they supported a bill, was the one that dealt with the advertising and marketing of sugary beverages in public schools. However, it was stated that Diet Coke specifically, would still be allowed.
So how does all of this relate to you? Well we know drinking sugary beverages affects your weight, but it also affects your bone health! According to findings from a study at Harvard, those who consume sodas are at three times the risk for bone fractures compared to those who don’t. Many times your back will hurt and you don’t know why. Too much soda could potentially be a contributing factor! Inflammation is one of the ways our immune system responds to assault or injury. When we consume too much sugar, our body releases insulin and stress hormones. These in turn trigger the inflammation process. The places where we have the least circulation of the blood, we have the greatest risk of inflammation. This is why our joints, and especially our back, is at greatest risk.
While many national health organizations accepted soda company sponsorships, there were also many who didn’t. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, for example, fought against Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed soda portion size limit in New York City, along with others. And you can help too. Be a voice in your local community for health and wellness! By promoting the reduction of soda consumption and the regular screening of your spine, you can help those in your community live healthier and happier lives.
At Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic, we strive to make sure you are living the best life possible by feeling the best you can! Our staff has extensive knowledge on the effects of too much sugar consumption and how to improve your diet as well as your spine. Dr. Janowitz, the founder of Synergy, is part of a marvelous non-profit organization called the Foundation for Wellness Professionals. Members are natural healthcare professionals who devote their time as motivational and keynote speakers, who perform Wellness Days, do blood pressure checks, spinal screenings and deliver educational workshops at no charge on health-related topics in their local communities. Dr. Janowitz loves to speak in the community, and would be glad to provide talks about the effects of soda consumption and how to live a healthy life at your local school! School-age children are a huge demographic of soda consumers and are also very impressionable, which means they would benefit immensely from a talk on this subject!
For more information on how to schedule a talk:
Visit our website synergyoviedo.com or call 407-505-4320