How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work?
trigger point therapy for back painAre trigger points frustrating you with local and referred muscle pain, chronic stiffness and reduced mobility? By relieving the muscle knots in these points, our team at Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic can stop the pain and give you your body back. The answer lies in our Oviedo trigger point injections.
The inflamed knots of muscle fiber we call trigger points can occur for a variety of reasons, including overuse injuries, acute injuries that healed incorrectly or incompletely, or years of spinal misalignments and unbalanced posture that have placed uneven stresses on the muscles. The knots themselves hurt when examined, but they also send pain signals to other parts of the body at the same time. You may react to these pain signals by relying too heavily on other parts of the body, which can cause similar strains in those areas as well. Trigger points can respond to manual therapy techniques such as massage or exercises, but direct injection is the fastest and most efficient way to deliver extended relief of soft tissue pain and inflammation.
We can perform a manual evaluation to detect any muscle knots that might be behind your symptoms. If we discover a definite trigger point issue, we can administer the Oviedo trigger point injections you need for long-lasting relief. The injection contains a mix of Sarapin (an anti-inflammatory drug) and Lidocaine (a numbing agent). The injection takes effect within minutes, after which you should enjoy weeks or months of relief from that nagging chronic pain. If the pain recurs at some future point, we can administer additional treatments as needed. Physical therapy may also help you take full advantage of your regained range of motion and muscle function.
Your Source for Oviedo Trigger Point Injections
The first step in trigger point therapy is getting those trigger points diagnosed. Contact our office today for a consultation and evaluation. Whatever kind of therapy you need to achieve lasting pain relief, we are ready to help!
Can you feel muscle knots in your body? What pain relief methods have you used?