Scoliosis: What It Is And How It Affects the Spine
Our chiropractor and staff here at Oviedo Family Chiropractic often help patients who are suffering from scoliosis to resolve problems with their spinal column. We have been hearing a lot of questions from our patients Oviedo chiropractors provide scoliosis and posture exams for children and adultsabout exactly what scoliosis is and the bearing it has on posture and overall health. We decided to focus today’s blog on scoliosis since we help patients dealing with it so often.
Scoliosis is a medical condition that causes a patient’s spinal column to take on a curved appearance. This spinal deformity is a complex one that chiropractors are specifically trained to recognize and treat. When you see an x-ray image of a spine affected by scoliosis, you will often be able to see the distinct “C” or “S” shape. Dr. Eric Janowitz, one of our Oviedo chiropractors, will examine your x-rays and determine the best plan of treatment for scoliosis.
Scoliosis is caused by several different things. It may be present at birth (congenital), it may be of unknown origins (these scoliosis patients are categorized by age of onset), or it may be neuromuscular in origin (developing due to trauma to the spine, to spina bifida, or to cerebral palsy for example).
What Does Scoliosis Mean For The Posture?
Scoliosis generally affects posture by making the sufferer have a stooped over appearance or by making it difficult for the person to stand upright. There are many cases in which chiropractic treatment can be helpful in dealing with scoliosis, and our Oviedo chiropractor can provide scoliosis care for patients of all ages, including pediatric patients. We use gentle and completely non-invasive spinal adjustments to help scoliosis patients feel better, walk better, and in many cases stand more upright than they could previously.
Chiropractic care has proven to be quite helpful for some scoliosis patients, and we are dedicated to doing the very most we can for each of our clients.
Do you have scoliosis questions? Please ask here so we can answer below!